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Our attention is what shapes our mental lives. The things we pay attention to make a substantial difference to our experience of the world, our emotional state and our interactions with others. Nowadays, attention has even become a resource that big corporations compete for grabbing every day, in what has been called “an economy of attention”. This seminar explores the nature of attention as well as its relevance for foundational philosophical problems, combining perspectives from contemporary analytic philosophy and cognitive science.

Session 2:

A biological view


Session 4:

Attention and epistemic goodness



  • Siegel, S. (2017). "Selection effects"

  • Irving, Z. (2019). "Attention norms"​


Session 5:

Towards an ethics of attention



Session 6:

Attention, salience and virtue​


Session 7:

Attention and moral difference-makers




  • Moral Machine (participate in a trolley dilemma online experiment)​​​

Studies on moral pop-out and binocular rivalry

Studies on eye-tracking and moral dilemmas:

​​Studies on cheating and generosity:​

Session 9:

How attention alters consciousness



  • Watzl, S. (2017)."Beyond appearances"

Session 10:

Consciousness outside attention



  • Jennings, C. (2015)."Consciousness without attention"


      - Easy

      - Hard

Session 11:

Beyond individual attention



Session 12:

Attention and free will




  • Bruya, B., ed. (2010). Effortless attention (a collection of essays on skilled action, flow and top-down control).

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